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Der Stil von Ludvig Sandell

5 min
Simon Nilsson
Simon Nilsson
ludvig mudvig

Es ist spät. Die Straßen liegen im Dunkel und in der Brise, die leere Becher und Zeitungen herumwirbelt, riecht man die Großstadt: Kaffee, Diesel und Parfum. Sie beschließen, einen Vintage-Shop zu betreten. Drinnen ist es staubig, aber warm. Es ist still, nur das gelegentliche Flüstern zwischen neugierigen Kunden. Wenn Ihr Blick zufällig auf einen hochgewachsenen Herrn in einem Eton-Hemd fällt – dann haben Sie gerade Ludvig entdeckt. Sehr wahrscheinlich trägt er eine Krawatte und ist dabei, die Vintage-Muster zu durchstöbern. Das ist sein Stil.


Ludvig ist von Stücken aus der Vergangenheit inspiriert, die schon seit Generationen weitergegeben werden. „Dinge mit einer langen Geschichte haben mich schon immer mit Bewunderung erfüllt – Sachen, die sich im Laufe der Zeit bewährt und es bis in unsere Tage geschafft haben.“

“Für mich ist Eton einfach eins dieser Unternehmen. Sie haben als Unternehmen eine interessante Geschichte und wahren ihre Traditionen, richten den Blick aber gleichzeitig in die Zukunft.”

If you’re ever browsing for items in an antique store and happen to see a tall individual wearing a tie and an Eton shirt – you might’ve just spotted Ludvig. He is a lover of vintage and color. He is also the proud owner of more than 80+ ties. This is his style.


Three short facts about yourself?

My tie collection (aka. excessive hoarding) expands over 80+ items (not including all my bow ties and pocket squares).
“Apparently” I own too many blue suits and jackets. I had a difficult time explaining the difference between my third navy blue DB-suit compared to the others already hanging in my closet.
I’m good at tying a bow tie.

What is your passion/what inspires you?

I have always felt a great admiration for something with a long-lasting history – that has stood the test of time and made it into the modern day.

Why is Eton special to you?

For me, Eton is just one of those companies. As a company they have an interesting history and legacy, but at the same time they look to the future. That makes me feel that, for once, I am in the right position at the right time. I’m extremely excited for the future, that’s for sure.

What’s your favorite hobby?

I do have an affinity for older stuff. You can usually find me at antique stores, vintage shops, and bookstores. Lately I’ve really been getting into vintage prints. Don’t ask me why.

What are you looking forward to right now?

To meet my family and friends – to be able to enjoy life, with a good conscience. I’m also looking forward to dressing up and to hopefully go skiing in the mountains.


Ludvig’s Staff Picks

White signature twill shirt: Nothing beats the basics. A crisp white shirt works well with (almost) everything.

Blue signature twill shirt: A light blue shirt paired with a navy suit is a look that says: you mean business.

Grenadine tie: I love the texture and quality of our grenadine ties – especially this green one. And, knowing that a grenadine tie was often featured in the early James Bond movies makes it a bit more special.

Orange beanie: I love the color. It works well with an all-navy or gray outfit, and it brings some much-needed color to Sweden’s colder, darker months.

Striped tie: A great striped tie will always give me a dreamy feeling of exclusive clubs, preppy style, and renowned universities. The color, as well as the fabric, of this tie is fantastic.

Pocket Square: A pocket square adds a lot to an outfit, and I think people should dare experiment more. This one is subtle, but it still stands out because of its lovely pattern. It’s also made from Fuji-silk, a type of silk that originates from Japan and was created to be used in Kimonos. A product with an interesting history is instantly more meaningful to me.

Custom-made shirt: I’m relatively tall; I have always had trouble finding shirts with the correct sleeve length. So nowadays I just use our custom-made shirts.