We want to encourage you to share your moments with us while looking great in our clothes. That’s why we are offering select styles available for loan – for free at our flagship locations in New York, London, and Stockholm. Visit our stores for more details.
This rentable collection features styles worn by Mondo Duplantis in our latest campaign Moments Make the Man. At our selected retail locations, you can rent up to two items for 72 hours – for free. The only thing we’d like you to do is share your own moments while wearing them by using the hashtag #MomentsDefineYou or by submitting them to defineyourmoment@etonshirts.com.
This offer is available in selected retail locations in New York, London, and Stockholm between 19 October until 6 November. If you cannot visit these locations, you can still share your moments by using the hashtag and email above.
New York – 625 Madison Avenue
London – 53 South Molton Street Mayfair
Stockholm - Sturegatan 8
Price from €150