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white luxe shirt

Our Most Exclusive Shirts

Explore our most exquisite collection of shirts, where the term 'crafted to perfection' barely captures the essence. Experience ultra-soft comfort and flawless tailoring that’s second to none. Each shirt is tailored from 120 thread count Organic Supima cotton, promising a touch of luxury in every fiber. Boasting opulent Mother-of-pearl buttons and precision 2mm stitching along every seam, it ensures that every detail is as perfect as the next. More than just a shirt—it’s a statement of unparalleled quality and comfort.

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120 Thread Count Organic Supima Cotton

Experience the luxury of 120-thread count fabric, crafted from organic Supima cotton—a rare variety of extra-long staple cotton grown exclusively in the American Southwest. With heightened softness in a refined weave, it delivers an ultra-soft touch, a lustrous finish, and enduring quality.

mother of pearl buttons

Mother-of-Pearl Buttons

Behind the craftsmanship of each shirt lies details that tell a story of dedication. Elegant mother-of-pearl buttons skillfully carved from mollusk shells add a refined touch.

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Flawless Details

Appreciate the perfection found in 2mm stitching along every seam, where collars and cuffs receive meticulous attention, ensuring a flawless finish that speaks to our commitment to quality.